Clinical Trial News

 Clinical Trial Engagement Network

The Personal Experience of a Clinical Trial Patient

Clinical Trials Magazine: July 21, 2014 I have been working in clinical research for over ten years. I was originally based in a Phase I Clinical Trials Unit but later moved to the NHS. After working in a number of clinical roles with patients, I now work in GCP Quality Assurance. It is my job […]

 Clinical Trial Engagement Network

Join the ‘I’m In’ campaign

AJC: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 By Gary Puckrein Whether you’ve taken a medication today to manage a chronic disease or simply keep a headache at bay, you know that medical innovations have the power to change lives. But these breakthroughs don’t just happen. Developing new medicines is a lengthy and complex process, relying heavily on […]

 Clinical Trial Engagement Network

Will Black People Ever Trust Clinical Trials?

Ebony: JULY 16, 2014 Dr. Danielle N. Lee on the complicated need for Blacks to trust science…and for researchers to earn that trust Writer Evette Dionne recently penned a very personal yet important article about her own HPV diagnosis for Bustle. Dionne calls attention to a reality in health science research – the lack of adequate research on health […]

 Clinical Trial Engagement Network

Guidance for IRBs, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors 1

FDA.GOV:  July 2014   Informed Consent Information Sheet Guidance for IRBs, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors This guidance is intended to provide information to institutional review boards (IRBs), clinical investigators, and study sponsors about FDA’s informed consent regulations. This guidance, when finalized, will supersede “A Guide to Informed Consent,” issued in September 1998, by the Office of […]

 Clinical Trial Engagement Network

How Frequently Do the Results from Completed US Clinical Trials Enter the Public Domain? – A Statistical Analysis of the Database

POLS: July 15, 2014 Background Achieving transparency in clinical trials, through either publishing results in a journal or posting results to the (CTG) web site, is an essential public health good. However, it remains unknown what proportion of completed studies achieve public disclosure of results (PDOR), or what factors explain these differences. Methods We analyzed […]

 Clinical Trial Engagement Network

It Will Never Feel Like Enough, But Participating in Research Helps

Michaeljfox: July 15, 2014 I used to think that the feeling that I wasn’t doing enough in the fight against Parkinson’s disease was just a neurosis of mine. As the daughter of a person with Parkinson’s, I help my dad with his annual golf tournament. I write for The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s FoxFeed blog, […]

 Clinical Trial Engagement Network

More Than Meets the IRB: Conversation with Molly Tovar and Pete Coser   (7/2014) In this seventh installment of “More Than Meets the IRB,” Molly Tovar (PhD, Director of the Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies) and Peter Coser, Jr. (MHR), talk with us about ethical and cultural issues related to American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) research. Our guests for this podcast have extensive […]



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